Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Garden day again

It's garden day again, and I'll be bringing the last of the starts over to RickC's house. I have cukes, watermelons, and sugar pumpkins for him. I got my pumpkins in the ground last week. My tomatillos are producing like mad, with some of the first fruits feeling about marble size. I have tomatoes setting up, but none even close to ripe yet. RickC has eaten cherry tomatoes already. There's lots of basil, and I've made a bunch of pesto. I'm making a pesto bread treat for today, with homemade bread, pesto, tomatoes, and fresh mozzeralla cheese over the top.

Chicken pen is working even better than expected, and back patio area is done. My gourds are climbing all over the fence, and the beans are up to the rafters on the shed, and flowering profusely. I finally got a soaker hose on them, but they were getting daily water anyway.

I'll take and post some pics today.

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