Thursday, May 22, 2008

Garden day progress

Last Tues., 5-20, we weeded at the community garden. Tomatoes are setting, there's already one zuchinni, and the basil was high enough for a first harvest of it. The trombetta squash (supposedly grows like zuchinni, tastes like artichoke hearts) finally came up because of the hot spell. Corn is knee high. Tomatillos are sprawling and need to be tied up a lil. There were lots of weeds and we really need to mulch.

Weather note: Got really hot (over 100) last week, but cooled over the weekend and now is windy and cooler. No rain yet but the fair just started.

We made pesto from the basil and ate it up! We only had olive oil, garlic, and salt to put in it, but it was still delicious.

The squash and tomatillos were from Renee's Seeds. I started the tomatillos in the greenhouse in March, and we set them out in early May. The tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers were from starts that RickC got. Corn is an ordinary hybrid. RickC also planted potatoes from some he had around that were sprouting.

I've taken home more seeds to start in the mini greenhouse. Here we are weeding and drinking beer:

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